Monday, August 23, 2010

Have you Read The Michael Letters? Please Write a Review

If you have read The Michael Letters: Heaven's Answer to Screwtape please write a review here by clicking on the comments section or on Amazon.

Thank you.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Quote for Discussion.

"From the smallest misdeed to the most horrific genocide, insecurity fuels almost every turn away from Our Father."

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Quote of the Day

"Prayer makes the soul look inward to seek genuine needs then outward to seek Our Father's answers. Souls in search of divine wisdom often find their way through the act of reflection before their prayers even reach Heaven." Michael to Jacob, The Michael Letters: Heaven's answer to Screwtape

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, Kindle and in the UK.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Strength of Character

Today's thought to ponder.

"Sincere reassessment of faith requires strength of character, especially in the late stages when expressing faith to the community." Michael to Jacob in the Michael Letters, Heaven's answer to Screwtape

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, Kindle and in the UK.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Thought to ponder.

"The guilt-laden person misdirects charity based on relief of guilt, not service to Our Father through service to man." Archangle Michael to Jacob

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.


"He will come to see the worldly consequences of extinguishing the fire of individuality through the diabolical glorification of mediocrity. " Michael to Jacob in Jim Peschke's The Michael Letters

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Available in UK

The Michael Letters: Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Kindle and in paperback on Amazon.UK.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


"I need not remind you that adoration of young children is not a solid foundation for parenthood. " Michael to Jacob in Jim Peschke's The Michale Letters: Heaven's answer to Screwtape

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


" Love is essential, but Mark must also embrace marriage, not simply a wedding. How Lucifer delights in the elaborate wedding ceremony followed by the bitter marriage in terminal decline. Even loving couples can lack the type of love needed for a successful marriage. " Michael to Jacob in Jim Peschke's The Michael Letters ~ Heaven's Answer to Screwtape

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.

Monday, August 9, 2010

What is the story of your journey?

Quote of the Day

"Spiritual growth is a journey filled with guideposts and inspiration, not a march dominated by rigid commands and blind obedience." Michael to Jacob

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Glenn Beck Fans

Glenn Beck Fans The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape it is the antithesis to The Screwtape Letters. The Michael Letters: Heaven's Answer to Screwtape is available on Amazon, Kindle and Create Space.

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Today's Quote to Ponder

"Lucifer hates families. Families successfully integrate love of others with worldly pursuits needed to fulfill the family's material needs."

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Name examples of people where today's quote would apply.

"‎Man once reveled in strength of character and clarity of thought, society has come to fear and loath these previously admired qualities." Michael to Jacob in The Michael Letters: Heaven's Answer to Screwtape

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Free Will

Today's Quote

"Like all Earthly tools, power brings men to salvation or damnation through the exercise of free will." The Michael Letters: Heaven's answer to Screwtape.

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Today's quote and topic to discuss freedom.

‎"There is no surer path to slavery than steadfast belief in one's freedom in the face of subjugation. " Michael to Jacob in The Michael Letters: Heaven's Answer to Screwtape by Jim Peschke

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

There Is No Such Thing as an Atheist

Quote of the Day

"Though not well meant, Mark's challenge for Charles to explain why he calls himself an atheist was the brightest moment of the day. Charles took the question to heart but couldn't quite explain himself. The reason is so obvious to us; there is no such thing as an atheist. Only several hours later did Charles begin to understand." Archangel Michael to understudy Jacob

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Optimism and Pessimism

"Unfettered optimism easily feigns the strength and glory of Our Father, for the uninitiated fail to see the difference between faith in Our Father and faith in nothingness. Mankind has genuine reason for optimism as His blood washed away their sins. It is unfounded optimism that leads man astray. " Michael to Jacob in Jim Peschke's The Michael Letters: Heaven's answer to Screwtape

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is One Man's Gain Another's Loss?

Each day we will post a quote from the book, feel free to discuss the quote in the comments section.

"The popularity of Lucifer's economic tenets seeds the misconception that one's man's gain must be another man's loss." Jim Peschke in "The Michael Letters Heaven's Answer to Screwtape

The Michael Letters Heaven's answer to Screwtape is available on Create Space, Amazon, and Kindle.